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Quiz: Flight Planning with Sporty’s E6B

Flight Training Central

It will assist with flight planning questions and you can bring your electronic E6B into the testing center to use during the actual test. The electronic E6B is equally useful when in the airplane, to help determine actual winds aloft, true airspeed, fuel burn, and descent planning. knots Correct! knots Correct!

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4 Different Types of Airspeed: How to Calculate Each

Pilot Institute

Airspeed guides everything from takeoff to landing and every phase in between. But did you know there are several types of airspeed, each serving a unique purpose? Like Indicated Airspeed (IAS) , Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) , True Airspeed (TAS) , and more! Lets break down the six types of airspeed!

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E6B Made Easy: A Beginner’s Step-by-Step Guide

Pilot Institute

The student pilot may initially struggle to understand the functions of an E6B flight computer. But pilots around the globe rely on this indispensable gadget for charting their flights, crunching numbers to determine time in transit, fuel usage, and necessary adjustments for wind shifts. Thats your true airspeed.