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Demystifying The FAR AIM: Your Guide To Essential Aeronautical Information

Northstar VFR

By Ally Melick CRJ Pilot, CFI-I, MEI The Federal Aviation Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM) is the pilot’s bible. The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) sets the guidance for basic flight operations and procedures. Other noteworthy contents in part 91 are 91.3

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A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting an Effective Flight Review

Northstar VFR

A flight review doesn’t have to be completed in one day, and it’s not a pass/fail event like a checkride. Ask the pilot to review Part 91 and relevant portions of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). It’s a great opportunity to customize your learning session! Do this before meeting at the airport.

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What is the FAR/AIM? And Why is It Important?

Northstar VFR

This stands for Aeronautical Information Manual. Also, the FAR/AIM can be used during your oral, since the checkride is technically an ‘open book’ evaluation. For example, private pilot requirements are 61.103. Turning to this section, then lists each requirement for the private pilot license.